Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
May 7, 1953
NUMBER 1, PAGE 5,10b

Unanswered Letters

— F. Y. T.

May 20, 1952 Mr. Gus Nichols Jasper, Alabama Dear Brother Nichols:

Brother T. F. Gossett called me on the telephone last Saturday and asked me if I would be willing to accept a challenge for a debate with you on the orphan home question. I told him I would welcome such a challenge, and under the proper circumstances would be most happy to enter into a discussion of the question with you. He told me he had been in telephone conference with you relative to the matter, and that I would hear from him before the day was over.

Saturday night, when I returned from the service, I found the following Western Union telegram stuck in the door of the home where I was staying:

Yater Tant — Care Tarrant Church of Christ 1116 Thomason Ave. (Dlr by Msgr) Tarrant Ala.

You are asked to respectfully arrange to have the following telegram read before the rust your work continues pleasant in every way, and that you are in good health. I know you will rejoice that your good friend, and mine, Jack Meyer, is returning to Alabama. He has done a splendid work here in the west, and will add real strength to the forces of gospel preaching wherever he goes.

May I hope for a response from you as soon as possible.

Sincerely and fraternally yours, Yater Tant