Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
August 27, 1953
NUMBER 16, PAGE 14b-15


Lloyd Connel, 1244 S. Evanston St., Tulsa, Oklahoma, Aug. 15: "Closed a meeting at Knott, Texas, Aug. 9th which resulted in thirteen responses — nine of these were baptisms and four were restorations. My next meeting is in Norwich, Kansas, Sept. 28th through Oct. 11th."

Wm. E. Wallace, Hickory, North Carolina, Aug. 13: "The Fifteenth and Delaware congregation of Tulsa, Oklahoma, supported Brother John T. Overbey in two meetings in this state last month. Tent meetings were held at Valdese and Wilkesboro. At Valdese we are holding regular Bible classes in following up the work of Brother Overbey. We hope to establish a congregation there. The small congregation at Wilkesboro was helped considerably by Brother Overbey's visit. Brother Overbey's work in a meeting is exceptionally good. He is sound and efficient and will do good wherever he may be called. Brother Yater Tant will be with us in a meeting here at Hickory beginning Sept. 28th. He will then go to Abilene and Corinth congregations in this state for meetings."

R. L. Yancey, Aledo, Texas, Aug. 17: "Brother Edward M. Steph closed a meeting here on Aug. 12th. All agree that it was one of the best if not the best meeting ever held here. Brother Steph stayed with the Book. Results were five baptized, two confessed faults, and five placed membership. We have been here almost three months and enjoy the work very much."

Ward Hogland, 1900 Jenny Lind, Fort Smith, Arkansas, Aug. 17: "This summer I assisted in meetings at Paris, Arkansas; Stigler and Panama, Oklahoma. In October my meetings will carry me to Muskogee, Oklahoma, then to Albuquerque, New Mexico, next spring. About thirty have responded to the invitation here at Park Hill the past five months. Since moving into the new air-conditioned plant the services have been improving. Jim Cope will be with us in November. I will begin my sixth year with this good church next month."

Dan F. Fogarty, Longview, Texas, Aug. 18: "My meeting with the brethren in Cross Plains, Texas, resulted in eight baptized and nine restored. Sixty have responded here at the Mobberly Avenue church in Longview this year."

Tice Elkins, 1523 Cuba Ave., Alamogordo, New Mexico, Aug. 17: "As many know, the church in Alamogordo employed a new man (a good man) to take my place last winter when I broke down in health. For want of sufficient funds the church had to drop all but two 15-minute broadcasts per week on the air. There are 50,000 adult people in this county alone who will hear the gospel by radio but by no other method. I am well enough now to carry on four broadcasts a week (15-minutes each) if I can interest YOU in helping me to pay for the radio time. This will be strictly under the overseership of the Church of Christ in Alamogordo. It will cost about $100 per month. If one hundred persons donate $1 each per month we can reach a vast multitude of souls who "dwell in darkness." Will YOU help? If you will, at $1 or $5 per month, then start NOW so that our broadcast may begin Oct. 1st. Send donations to Mrs. Ad Painter, treasurer, or to Radio Station KALG, Alamogordo, or direct to me. Every cent will be used for that purpose alone and reported in gospel papers and by letter or card. This will keep me from rusting out, instead of wearing out, as I would rather do. Will you help?"

Rufus R. Clifford, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, Aug. 18: "One baptized in Fall River meeting. John Hendrix directed the singing. I began last Sunday with the Preston Highway church, Louisville, Kentucky. Joseph H. Cox is the faithful preacher."

Choice L. Bryant, 165 S. Fifteenth St., Salem, Oregon, Aug. 15: "July 21-31 I was with the church in Vancouver, B. C., in a very interesting and enjoyable protracted meeting. There are but two small congregations of the church with combined membership of no more than 100 in that vast Vancouver area of slightly less than one-half million people. What a challenge! One of the congregations (on Lulu Island) has a preacher (David Johnson) working with them full time — the only full time preacher in all British Columbia, I understand. The congregation I served was the 12th and Carolina church in Vancouver. Those brethren desire to have a preacher working with them full time. They feel unable to adequately support him financially; but they are very aware that they need the assistance of a good preacher. There is a great work there for the proper man. If you desire to do mission work let me suggest that you write Church of Christ, 604 Twelfth Ave. East, Vancouver, B. C., Canada."

O. E Correll, Kinmundy, Illinois, Aug. 11: "I visited the congregation at Salem, Illinois, last Lord's Day. This little band is working in peace and doing well. I had a splendid visit with them. I preached for them for almost two years once each month, some few years ago, and it was almost like going back home. I have never had better attention than they gave me at both morning and evening services. They are about eighty in number. There is a prospect of getting a better house of worship. The building they now have was an old tavern. A very nice little building but not large enough and not enough parking space. They expressed their pleasure of having me with them again."

Olen Holderby, Coalinga, California, Aug. 9: "We have been with the brethren here four months. Sixteen have been added to our number during this time — two by membership, six restorations, and eight baptisms. A fine interest is shown by the excellent crowds we are having at all the services. The work, in general, is moving forward very nicely."

Geo. T. Elkins, Jr., Jefferson City, Missouri, Aug. 14: "Brother David Coffman of Novice, Texas. has just closed a ten night tent meeting here. There were no additions or subtractions but interest from the denominational groups was excellent and many good prospects were contacted. The church here is now supporting a preacher full time and conducting a local radio program weekly. The attendance has been on the increase and the future looks brighter than in a number of years."