Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 22, 1953

The Overflow

— F. Y. T.

"She ain't no wife"

"Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, And obtaineth favor of Jehovah." (Prov. 18:22) We know of a denominational preacher in east Texas who used this passage as argument to divorce one wife and marry another. He said, "The Bible say a wife is a 'good thing.' If a man marry a woman and it turn out that she is not 'a good thing,' then she ain't no wife!" And if "she ain't no wife" according to the Bible, then obviously a man is free to find him one who is a wife!

Echoes from Joe S. Warlick Brother Jas. L. Neal of Springdale, Arkansas, editor of The Gospel Age, writes, "This year I am making an endeavor to revive some first century love and zeal for the church in our present generation through the life and work of the late Brother Joe S. Warlick." His fine little paper will carry stories from the life of Brother Warlick, as well as excerpts from his writings. We think you'd like it. Subscription price is only 50 cents per year (it's an eight page monthly) to new subscribers.

Pope Peter There are text-books now in use in the grade schools in Texas which teach that Peter was the first pope in Rome. So subtly and so unceasingly does Catholicism push her propaganda! Probably these text-books are in use in other states also. Under the guise of "academic freedom" both Catholics and Communists are making deadly inroads against the very bulwarks of our society and our religious freedom. It is time to let America know what is happening.

Under fire again Brother Hugh Tiner is not only under fire from the brethren because of the modernism of Pepperdine College, he is increasingly under fire in Los Angeles school circles over the question of "un-American influences" (specifically, Communism) in our schools. The Los Angeles Herald-Express has carried stories of Tiner's battle with the Sub-committee of the Board of Education over the loyalty oath and the investigation of "Alleged Un-American Influences in Our Schools." liner objects apparently to any move in the direction of curtailing the "academic freedom" of teachers and text-book writers. He says, "Educators should not be pressured into subscribing to any particular viewpoint, even at the risk of being characterized as unobjective, or the text-books as Un-American." So? Does that mean that tax-payers are to have no rights in saying what their children shall, and shall not, be taught ?

Brother Justiss' article We want you to read the article by Brother Justiss (front page) in this issue. At a time when child experts and sociological workers are moving more and more away from institutional care for orphan children, and in the direction of foster homes, it is interesting to note that some of our brethren are determining to move in the opposite direction and found more and more institutions — regardless of what experts declare to be in the best interests of the children. Are helpless children to be sacrificed to satisfy the desires of some of the brethren for "institutions"?

More "Thanksgiving" compromises We continue to get clippings from over the country showing how gospel preachers have gone into union religious services with denominational preachers at Thanksgiving and Armistice celebrations. We have a special one from O. J. Russell at Durant, Oklahoma, showing how the Madill (Oklahoma) Ministerial Alliance sponsored a Thanksgiving service at the Church of Christ. Reverend Fred Spencer (Nazarene) delivered the sermon, and Reverend Bert I. Cherry (Baptist) was in charge of the program. Reverend W. M. Pearson (Assembly of God) read the scripture, and Reverend Walter Bowers led the responsive reading. Special Thanksgiving music was featured and a special offering was taken. Brother John W. Pigg, preacher for the Madill congregation, "welcomed the audience to his church." Needless to say, faithful Christians both in Madill and in the surrounding country were embarrassed by the show.

Fighting Quakers The Quakers ("Society of Friends") are supposed to be a meek and nonbelligerent people. But such has not always been the case. When George Fox, founder of the sect, came to America in 1671, he engaged in a bitter controversy with Roger Williams, founder of the first American Baptist Church. He hurled epithets at Williams (which were sent back in full measure) that would make the Gospel Guardian even in her stormiestdays read like children's Sunday School stories. Maybe when a man has convictions on any subject, he is going to sound like a man with convictions!

Sub-station for God Comes now our friend, Eugene Winters, from Pittsfield, Illinois, with a brand new name for our "Collection of Bizarre Church Nomenclature." He tells us there is a church near Oklahoma City which proudly calls itself the "Sub-station For God."

A "traveling" preacher

"You struck a responsive chord in my heart in your December 4 issue when you made mention of "local vs. 'traveling' work." For a third of a century I have been "on the road." I have known what it means to put up with the many inconveniences which go with such work. When my wife and I were rearing a family of six children, many were the times when I left home, leaving her with ten dollars or such a matter and perhaps I had the same amount with me. This had to pay the grocery bill at home, the utilities, keep the children in school, contributions to the church, etc. It had to run me over two or three Lord's days. I am glad that in these days the brethren are more considerate in many ways . . . I almost shiver when I think of the cold rooms I have had, the long trips in the mud after meetings, etc. However, if I were starting again I would do the same thing, and by the grace of God I shall continue until the Lord says it is enough. Dear brother, after you have been in the field twenty five years more, give us another "overflow." I shall not be here to read it, but I hope to meet with all the redeemed on the eternal hills of God. May God bless every faithful preacher.

Yours for truth and right, Fred E. Dennis Marietta, Ohio Congratulations Our congratulations to Brother John Allen Hudson and his Bible Advocate for taking back-water on his previous endorsement of the new translation of the Bible. He takes back the glowing claims made for it in his advertisement, and is publishing R. C. Foster's very fine and critical analysis of the version. We recommend Brother Hudson's example to our other publisher friends. The best way to treat a mistake is to correct it. It was a mistake to endorse the new translation so unreservedly. That mistake ought to be corrected, not ignored.