Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 17, 1952
NUMBER 36, PAGE 14b-15


Eldred Stevens, Stillwater, Okla., Jan. 8: "Brethren, I wish to notify you and others through your publication that recently "The Very Reverend" Eric Beevers, Catholic priest, challenged me to meet him in public discussion. Our correspondence has led to agreement on the date (either May 6-9 or May 13-16) and on two propositions: Resolved: The New Testament is the supreme authority in the Christian religion. Resolved: The Roman Catholic Church is the original apostolic church of Christ. The challenge was provoked by a series of sermons that I was preaching and that created considerable local interest. I tried to get him to agree to meet one of our more experienced debaters, but he refused—so it looks as if I have a job to do. I am quite conscious of the magnitude of the task before me and quite willing to entertain any thoughtful suggestions and to receive any usable help from those who have made some special study of the issues to be discussed. In this section, it has been said that this priest has never failed in an effort to convert a Protestant. Let's pray that his "victory string" may soon be "snapped."


W. Woodrow Allen, Kearney, Neb., Jan. 8: "I will begin my sixth year with the church here on the 19th of January. We made the last payment on our property in December, and started the new year free of debt. Our property is located in a very good section of town, and one where we would be happy to construct a more desirable building when such becomes necessary. We started the year with 39 active members of the church. Two were added last week, a woman by membership and her husband, a former Catholic, was baptized. We expect many goods things for the church in 1952. We are continuing a weekly radio program over our local station, and are planning some mission meetings in the state this summer. There are many places where we think much good could be done. Four churches in Oklahoma continue to support our work here: Tenth and Bell in Shawnee; Seminole; Dill City; Stratford. If you are passing through Nebraska on Highway 30, stop and worship with us. We are only one block north of this highway on Fourth Street in Kearney."


Roy E. Cogdill, Lufkin, Texas, Jan. 14: "During the fall months of 1951 I enjoyed conducting meetings with the congregations at the following places: Monroe, La.; Mt. Pleasant, Tex.; Irvington, Ind.; South National at. Springfield, Mo.; Country Club Congregation in Tucson, Ariz., and the church at Bear Wallow, Ky. Since the second Sunday in December I have been at home with the Timberland Drive congregation. Our work with this congregation is progressing, splendidly. We are in our new building, a credit to any church, and our attendance and interest is growing at every service. I do not know of a more zealous, faithful, or liberal group of Christians anywhere. We have a higher percentage of the membership present for every service than I have ever seen at any place. Our contributions likewise reach a very high per member average. We have had several additions along and the work looks encouraging."


BROTHER BOB CRAIG BEGINS FULL TIME PREACHING WORK For nearly four years brother Bob Craig has been the foreman of the print shop which we operate here in Lufkin. He has done an extra fine job for us and is a skilled and faithful workman. During all of this time he has preached on Sunday at various congregations around Lufkin as well as some during the week also. For several months he has filled in for us at the Timberland Drive congregation in my absence in meeting work. He is a capable and faithful Gospel preacher and has done a good work in this capacity. We regret to lose him both as a printer and preacher but we are glad that he will be engaged in full time preaching and teaching work with the congregation at Bay City, Texas, beginning next Lord's Day, January 20th. We wish and pray for him a pleasant and fruitful work with this church and wherever he may go. We are confident that it will be so.

— Roy E. Cogdill


Charles 'Swan, Grass Valley, California, Jan. 3: "Since leaving the work with the church at Crescent City, Calif., last May 9, we have been busy doing personal work with the church at Roseville, Calif. Later on in the early summer the little group meeting in New Castle hired us to do personal work in that field. We are very happy to report, as a result of- the cooperation given us by the group there, we were able to see fourteen baptized into Christ and several restored to fellowship who were not identified with any local congregation. The church there moved to a new location in Auburn, Calif., which they had been wanting to do for some time, but were unable to do previous to that time because no place of worship could be found. The church at Auburn has purchased a building site in a very suitable location and is making fine progress under the able ministry of W. T. Durrett, who is their evangelist. We have been preaching for the church here in Grass Valley since Sept. 8, 1951. Since moving here there have been seven additions and the little group of 32 members are in fine spirits, and looking forward to a good year in the Lord's vineyard. Interest is improving and we have the respect of the community. We have just concluded a two-day lectureship here the last two days of December. The able preaching of the participating brethren was a great inspiration to the church. The following preachers and members took part in the program: Frank Curtiss, minister for Del Paso Heights, Calif.; Chester King, minister for Yuba City, Calif.; H. N. Hurd, minister for Roseville, Calif.; W. T. Durrett, minister for Auburn, Calif.; F. F. Carson, minister, Richmond, Calif. Brother Johnson, Del Paso Heights, Don Shakleford, Roseville, and brother Douglas Qualls of Yuba City, who spoke on personal work and also ably led the singing. We are grateful for the fine spirit of cooperation shown by the churches of central California."



W. W. Otey Brother Luther G. Roberts writes me the following:

"One point discussed in your book in III, on Centralized Control, page 57f, on there being other churches in Judea, seems to me to be a weak spot in your argument. Not that it matters especially as this has very little bearing on your main contention. However, it would seem to me that it can be proved that there were other congregations in Judea. In Gal. 1:22 Paul says, "And I was still unknown by face unto the churches in Judea which were in Christ." In Acts 9:31, we read of the churches throughout Judea and Galilee and Samaria. We read in Acts 9:32 of the "saints that dwelt at Lydda; and in Sharon saw him, and they turned to the Lord." Too, in verse 38 we read of disciples at Joppa, as in Acts 9:42, in Joppa "many believed on the Lord." Brother Roberts also mentions other disciples in Judea. I regret deeply this oversight of these passages when writing the book. But as brother Roberts correctly states, they do not weaken the argument in relation to the distribution of money for the poor in Judea.

I have always tried to hedge all my statements so that no criticism for inaccuracy could be validly offered. Why this one instance? And why was I unable to cooperate fully with printers as to prevent a number of minor errors, such as wrong spelling? I believe it is due the readers to know a little about the trying circumstances under which the book was written.

I spent sleepless hours wrestling with the conviction I MUST write the book. First question, Can I undertake it in my 86th year? The second question, proposing to spend not less than $1,200 in printing, mailing, etc., and offering it without a dollar in advance, where is the money coming from? I knew I had to earn the money with my own hands and write the book at the same time. I sprayed and cared for peach orchards and marketed $1,500 worth of peaches. Grew out and marketed 2,400 broiler chicks, did many other items of work, carried on a heavy correspondence, and wrote the book in three months time. Part of [it] between midnight and day, when sleep fled from my eyes. A few minutes seized between out door jobs to write. Frankly is it a wonder minor errors got by? Last, in the good providence of God I did earn the full amount to pay every dollar if I had never received a dollar from readers, and our living besides. I have always disliked to mingle personal matters into my writing. But I believe brethren should know that my only motive in writing the book was to relieve my heart of a burden of duty that I was powerless to escape.

Nearly 500 mailed first day. Orders coming faster than before it came off the press. Unless the interest slows up the 1,000 will soon be gone. Till then, send your name. Read it. If you like it send me $1. If you don't like it hand to a member of the church and you owe me nothing. If you don't like it, I don't want your money.