Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 29, 1951

Just Squibbing

A. H. Porterfield, Poplar Bluff, Missouri

If your neck and your pride are strong enough to hold your head above the slime the rest is easy—you can always climb out and save yourself.


Too many people are interested in the religion that makes them look good without having to act that way.


The man who works like a dog to support his wife and her dog should at least have as much right as the dog—or, should he?


Our sectarian neighbors are far more consistent in having their own boundary lines (creeds) as a means of limitation, than our own drifting brethren who know no limitation, and who recognize no authority, including the Lord's.


If only 25 percent of the church members do their duty that only leaves '76 percent to grouch and grumble at those who do their duty. After all, that is not so bad if it weren't for the noise and the smoke screen.


The biggest fool anyone ever saw is hard to see—he is usually behind his own eyes.


They tell us to "smile and the world will smile back at you." That depends very largely on what you are smiling about. If you are preaching a lie with a smile, the world may smile back at you, but if you are preaching the truth with a smile—well, we have observed some very repugnant frowns.


People are saying that the golden rule was buried in Fort Knox, Kentucky, when our gold was buried there. They have the wrong date and the wrong place. For almost two thousand years the golden rule has been buried in the human heart, so securely buried, in fact, that no manmade bomb can phase it.


One reason some people never have any friends is because they ask for those without fault, but never seem to be able to return what they ask for.


They keep saying you can't keep a good man down. Maybe not, but what we want to know is how you can keep a bad man down without staying down with him.


W. F. Showers, Box 104, Pleasanton, Texas November 15: "The meeting with Paul Wallace closed last night with two baptisms and one restoration. Record attendance for Bible Study and worship service Sunday."