Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
August 23, 1951
NUMBER 16, PAGE 8,11d

Mind Of The Brethren


"Without reservation I feel the Guardian is doing the most outstanding work in the field of journalism of any paper among us today. I look forward to every issue of it and read it with a great deal of interest."

Sincerely and fraternally Glenn A. Parks, Camden, Arkansas


"We are grateful for the fine work the Guardian is doing in the interest of New Testament Christianity, and intend to build up its circulation here on the coast where it is most certainly needed."

Brotherly yours, Earnest F. Mulkey, J. H. Lomax, H. M. Chaffin, Edward F. Engel, Elders North Long Beach (California) Church of Christ


"Keep the good work going, for you have some very fine articles in each paper, and you are fighting a good fight for the cause."

L. C. Parker, Lafayette, Tennessee


"I am in full accord with the Gospel Guardian and the truth for which it fights. Keep up the good work. I have been a member of the church of the Lord for a long time, and it makes my heart bleed when I see so little regard on every hand for the fundamental principles of New Testament Christianity. Unless there is a halt called somewhere in the trend of things in the church today, the last digression that tore asunder the body of Christ will look like child's play compared to the one that is coming."

J. A. Burton, Port Arthur, Texas


"I enjoy the paper each week, and wish it were possible for me to send it to every elder in Denver."

H. F. Carrington, Denver, Colorado


"Keep the Guardian coming to me, for I enjoy reading it, and learn much from its pages. If your father were living now, he would not only say "we are drifting," but he'd have to say that some of the preachers among us are pushing the drift down stream."

Sincerely, Harvey Carter, Iron City, Tennessee


"I look forward to each issue of the Guardian. Keep up the good articles."

Kenneth Fielder, Franklin, Tennessee


"Set up my subscription for another year. I think you are doing a great work with the paper; and I couldn't get along without it."

Yours in Christ, J. C. Whitson, Fort Worth, Texas


"I have just finished reading one of the back issues of the Guardian (February 22), and feel the urge to write you a letter about it. The article by brother Welch on "Institutions: Objects of Charity" was one of the best I have ever read on this subject. It was presented in a good spirit, and was thought provoking. The article on "Internal Evidences" by Pat Hardeman was also an excellent one, and I enjoyed it very much. The article on "Christian Christmas Trees" also caught my fancy, and I enjoyed it in spite of the sarcastic attitude of the author.

"But I have a few things that are not so good. The write-up of the Holt-Grimes debate was one of the poorest pieces I have seen in a so-called religious magazine. What difference does it make whether a Baptist can talk or not? The speaking ability should have nothing to do with the arguments presented. As for your "Overflow," I am ashamed of you—using your paper to ridicule the article headings of the Firm Foundation. If the F.F. prints error, let them know about it; but don't use your column for an outlet for sarcastic childish differences.

"I admire your zeal and effort, and I agree with many of your principles; but as long as you take your present attitude and manner, I am afraid you are doomed to failure. Please see your error and pray God for forgiveness."

God bless you always, Richard Pectal, Jr., Phoenix, Arizona


"I heartily endorse the stand that you take for the truth and against the errors and innovations. I trust that the Guardian may have a long existence and much success in its stand for the right ways of the Lord."

Sincerely, F. E. Sewell, St. Louis, Missouri


"I appreciate and enjoy reading the Guardian very much. Am glad there is such a paper. May God bless you in your efforts to stem the tide of digression."

Sincerely, Mrs. W. T. Hamm, Waverly, Tennessee


"I wish everyone in the brotherhood could read the Guardian, for it is the only one of its kind I know of—presenting so clearly the important doctrinal issues and problems besetting the church today. It is important that the church see the dangers which it faces, and that all may be warned in time to avoid some of the mistakes and false teachings that are so prevalent today. But many are asleep, and many are indifferent as to what is happening to the church. I believe such a paper as this is serving a definite need among the people of God. May you always keep it on the same high level as has been your policy in the past, and may you ever contend for the truth once delivered unto the saints."

Merle Weiss

"Enclosed is my check for the G.G. It's a good paper, and I enjoy it."

Yours sincerely, Homer Royster, Tiptonville, Tennessee


"Enclosed is my check. Please set up my subscription on the G.G. for three years. I enjoy the paper and wouldn't want to be without it. My personal regards to brother Tant."

Yours in Christ, W. A Cameron, St Petersburg, Florida
