Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 22, 1970

Whither Goeth Anti-Ism?

Larry R. Devore

A new religious journal has made its appearance among us. It is "THE SPIRITUAL SWORD," published quarterly by the Getwell church in Memphis, Tenn. It is edited by brother Thomas Warren and brother Rubel Shelly. Brother Warren makes some very interesting statements in his editorial, "Our Aim."

He says that he published a monthly journal called "The Spiritual Sword" in 1958 which "did much to defeat the move within the church to persuade brethren to accept the views: (1) that it is unscriptural for one church to assist another church in preaching the gospel, and (2) that it is unscriptural for a church to take money from its treasury to assist deserving needy people who are not members of the church. Those two issues are now, to all intents and purposes, DEAD." (all emphasis mine, LRD) page 1. So he says that "anti-ism" is dead. He, with a "number of other brethren" put the dead body in the grave and helped preach the funeral in 1958. As I look around at the number of faithful churches throughout the country today, and see the many brethren "preaching the word," it is amazing how long a "dead" body can show signs of life!

Other Issues

But, brother Warren says that now that he has buried "anti-ism," "there are now other issues which must be met." He says that "the basic issues now before the (liberal, LRD) church are related to some form of 'liberalism' or skepticism." He mentions that there are men around the world in large numbers who deny that God exists, who deny the God of the Bible, reject the Bible itself, believe the Bible is only a human document, and believe that truth is only relative, not absolute. He says these facts are disturbing, and I agree. Then he says, "It is much more disturbing when some of these views are espoused by some who profess to be members of the Lord's church." He says further, " . . there are those in the church who are holding anti-Biblical views." I cannot believe it! Is brother Warren "anti" those brethren who hold "anti-Biblical views."?? If so, then has he resurrected "anti-ism" from the grave he claims to have put it in back in 1958.??

Alas, I was not preaching in 1958, so I am not sure whether or not I am supposed to be alive now. Can someone tell me?

Fight Liberalism

But perhaps brother Warren is saying it is all right to be "anti" just as long as one is not on the negative side of his points I and 2 mentioned above. He says that "Those who love the Lord and His truth will not stand idly by while such error (liberalism in the church. LRD) is being taught. Rather, they will stand up for truth and fight the error as they are taught in the Scriptures." Such has been the attitude of faithful brethren all along, so brother Warren is a little late in enlisting as a fighting soldier, but I appreciate his efforts against "theological liberalism" and pray that he will come back all the way to New Testament fundamentals in the work and worship of the church. At least, we have brother Warren on record as being a little bit "anti," at any rate. He says "the Bible does definitely teach some things, that the Bible does not contradict itself, and that one must obey Bible teaching in order to be saved." We are glad to hear it from the pen of brother Warren. He states that the purpose of "The Spiritual Sword," "will be devoted to upholding God's truth as over against 'liberalism' and skepticism." It should make for interesting reading.

Perhaps "anti-ism" is not quite dead after all! Did you hear a noise in the graveyard? Preach the Word!

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