Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
May 18, 1950
NUMBER 3, PAGE 13-16


W. E. Brightwell

Fred W. McClung, Box 67, Anson, Texas, May 4: "Sunday we baptized two more. We set a new record in attendance of fifty-two for ladies Bible class. We have had 200 or more several times on Wednesday night and two hundred forty seven for Sunday morning Bible study. Since I came here in December we have baptized fifteen, had twelve restored and six placed membership. We have just purchased refrigerated air-conditioning for our new building which will be completed by July 1, 1950"

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H. C. Winnett, Box 82, Dimmitt, Texas, May 4: "Our meeting closed April 26. Three were baptized, and one restored. Austin Siburt, of Tyler, Texas, preached. He is to return next year. Two were baptized just before the meeting, and two placed membership last Sunday."

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Frank L. Smith, 10th and Bell, Shawnee, Okla.: "Baptized two, and restored two in the meeting at El Reno, Okla. Walker Hembree, local minister, worked faithfully, and we had good attendance. One was baptized by Floyd Perry at Central in Shawnee during my absence. This makes fifteen baptisms here since the first of the year.

We are assisting the Meeker Church now in a meeting in their new building."

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J. K. Bentley, Springtown, Texas, May 1: "Our spring meeting with Claud C. Smith, of Weatherford, Texas, preaching closed last night. Four were baptized. The preaching was very effective. The church was a really encouraged. Bro. Smith will be with us again next year."

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Robert A. Farrish, 1116 Thomason Ave. Tarrant, Alabama, April 30: "There were two baptized here today."

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R. Erwin Driskill, 2509 Gould St., Columbus, Ga., May 2: "Three have been baptized recently, one at our midweek service, and two on Sunday night. I just sent you six new subscriptions to the Guardian. Hope to have more soon."

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G. K. Wallace, 944 Perry, Wichita, Kansas, May 2: "One of our very best preachers desires to change location along about July 1. He is a very fine Christian man, a good preacher, and an excellent local worker. If you are interested in such a man, and will write to me, I will send you his name and address. I feel certain that you will be pleased with the one to whom I refer."

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W. F. Showers, Taft, Texas, May 1: "Four were baptized, and two placed membership in a meeting just closed with B. C. McCarley of Houston preaching."

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C. R. Nichol, Clifton, Texas: "I visited Mt. Pleasant, Texas, some years ago, when we did not have a congregation. The Methodists permitted me to use their house in which to conduct a meeting. Some were baptized. April 16-26, 1950, I was with the congregation in a meeting. A splendid congregation and meeting house, and doing much good. It was a great pleasure. Charles A. Holt works with the congregation. A splendid preacher, is my estimation of him. It was a delight to hear him in sermons over the radio. He preaches the gospel, forcefully, and does not hesitate to expose false doctrine. His work is fine in every way. It was a pleasure to be associated with him, and the congregation in Mt. Pleasant."

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Floyd A. Decker, Box 705, Haynesville, La., May 2: "Just closed an excellent meeting with the church, at Healdton, Okla., where Thornton Crews preaches. Brother Crews is doing an outstanding work and the church is enjoying a steady growth. My next meeting is May 8, at Freeport, Texas. I will be in Haynesville for the last two Lord's days of May. June first closes my work with the church here. I have not decided on where I shall locate this fall."

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Forrest D. Moyer, Box 118, Post, Texas, May 1: "One young lady was baptized at the close of the evening service yesterday. Another placed membership with this congregation. Horace Coffman closed a singing school with us Friday night. Approximately 200 attended a singing here yesterday afternoon. Contributions for this year have averaged $220 each week.

In February, I directed singing in a meeting, in Southland, Texas, in which Andy Burke, of Slaton, Texas, preached. Harrell Collard will be with us in a meeting in June. I have to preach in one meeting in the late summer."

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Elmer Shackelford, Leedey, Okla., May 1: "We closed a fine meeting the night of April 30. George B. Curtis brought the lessons each evening in his usual fine way. Five were baptized, and three confessed wrongs.

I plan to help the brethren in a meeting at North Miami, May 29 to June 8."

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Oscar E. Correll, Kinmundy, Ill.: "The little country church, known as the Shiloh Church, is gradually growing. Our last meeting resulted in five baptisms, and three placing membership from elsewhere. Last week, in our midweek meeting, two were baptized the same night, after the service. Some of the young brethren are taking an active part, in making talks, taking turns each service. Splendid cooperation is being manifest, and all members seem to work in harmony.

I am preaching one Lord's day each month, and Lyle Berry, of Olney, Ill., is taking one Lord's day."

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J. T. Marlin, Dickson, Tenn., May 5:

"I have just closed a meeting in a small congregation here in the country, with three baptisms. I am still preaching each night in the county. Our vacation Bible school begins May 29."

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April 20: 1950

To all congregations:

This is to notify you that it has become our painful duty to withdraw fellowship from Roscoe Foster, who lives at 677 California Ave., Venice, California. After much effort on the part of the elders and deacons to get Brother Foster to make right his wrongs to no avail, on the night of April 19, 1950, at the church building in Venice, located at 1316 Venice Blvd., the following charges were read to the whole church called together for that purpose.

1. Self-Willed.

2. Injuring the character of innocent members of the church.

3. False charges against the brethren in the church at Venice.

4. Disturbing the peace of the church.

5. Misrepresenting the condition of the church in Venice.

6. Willful and malicious gossip.

7. Defying church discipline.

8. Refusing to repent of sins of which he has been convicted.