Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
April 27, 1967
NUMBER 50, PAGE 4-5a

"Yes, Send Six!"


We are truly delighted at the wonderful response we are receiving to our request for help in a widespread distribution of the "Special Issue" to be published in mid-June. In fact, we have been much heartened by two significant developments in recent weeks ---the many requests for Brother Harrell's Tract, "Emergence of the 'Church of Christ' Denomination," and the flood of orders for the Special. Both of these effects (and they are related) strengthen our conviction that there is a strong tide of protest among some of our liberal brethren against the galloping denominationalism seen in their midst, and a growing optimism and enthusiasm among the conservatives that, even at this late date, many thousands of our brethren may yet be salvaged from the destructive course on which they have been set by "the promoters."

This is no time for faithful Christians to slacken in their efforts. Quite the contrary. For a whole generation is growing up among our brethren who have never known the basic fundamentals of the gospel. Converting one of these people from error will be probably more difficult than converting a Catholic or a Baptist. For they will never have known anything but error on many points; yet will have just enough of the truth on other points to immunize them against the complete truth. If we are to make any appreciable gain against the onrushing modernism and denominationalism so very evident in the "Campaigns" craze, it will be among the older people

those who were converted to Christ twenty years ago or earlier.

The "Campaigns Special' will be a reference work to be preserved and studied. It will have material of great value and significance. It should be distributed by the scores of thousands among both conservatives and liberals. And this is where YOU, good friend, can help! For just ONE DOLLAR (that's right - just one single dollar bill) we will mail the "Special Issue" to SIX people whose names and addresses you supply us. Or, if you do not have the names and addresses handy, just send the dollar along with your name and address, and we will send all six copies to you, you, in turn, can hand them out to your friends, relatives, or neighbors. If just one thousand readers of the Gospel Guardian will follow this simple suggestion, we can get the "Special" into the hands of SIX THOUSAND additional families. If five thousand act, we can reach SIXTY THOUSAND; and if ten thousand act, we can reach ONE HUNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND additional families!

Get busy on this right now, while you are thinking about it! Send us a short note, with a ONE DOLLAR BILL, and say, "YES, SEND SIX!" This is a trivial thing; it costs you so little; but it may bring your friend so much! Only five minutes of your time, and a single dollar bill of your money we will be hoping to hear from you - pronto.

-F. Y. T.


That's a new word for you, isn't it? We know what "impact" means --- that's what happens when you get sleepy at the wheel, drift across the mid-stripe and some careless driver crashes into you head-on. But this is "IMPAC" not impact. It is the name of a new program of "Personal Evangelism" developed by the Gospel Guardian Company, and which (hopefully) will be ready for distribution about July 1. This project has been in process of preparation for nearly three years. We believe it will be absolutely revolutionary in the field of personal evangelism! It is not for class use, and will not be ordered by churches; but will be used by individuals who are intensely interested in winning some soul to Christ. It is an entirely new principle in its modern applications, but, actually, is simply a twentieth-century adaptation of the old, old methods of spreading the gospel which those first-century Christians used with such phenomenal success.

And what is "IMPAC"? What do those letters stand for? Well, they are the initial letters of a phrase describing our program; "Intensive Meditation, Planning, Action, Conversions. When the New Testament history of the early church is carefully analyzed, it is apparent that this is the procedure by which those first disciples achieved fantastic success.

Within thirty years they had spread the gospel into all the world (Colossians 1:6,23); they made converts by the scores of thousands. What they did, we can do --- IF WE FOLLOW THEIR PLAN AND ACTION! We have the same gospel; people have the same need for that gospel; and "IMPAC" will help you to help them.

We will have further announcements about this in the weeks ahead. But we thought this short note here would be a good way to celebrate our eighteenth anniversary. With this issue the Gospel Guardian completes its eighteenth full year as a weekly religious journal. They have been exciting and troubled years; but they have been also richly rewarding. We face the future with confidence and high expectations. Our heart-felt thanks go to the thousands of faithful friends who have given us unstinted support, both moral and otherwise, in these years of the past. We covet your continued help in every way as we face the future. There is so much to be done --- so little time to do it!

Look for our future announcements about "IMPAC:

-F. Y. T.