Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
March 16, 1967
NUMBER 44, PAGE 6b-7a

Should We Tell People "They Are Going To Hell??

Jerry F. Bassett

With many it has long been thought that one of the crudest things that can be done, and therefore one of the most flagrant breaches of good manners one can commit in doing personal work, is to simply tell a sinner he is going to hell. No doubt, there are ways in which this fact can be stated that are wrong. To say such a thing belligerently, hatefully, and in self-righteousness clearly smacks of the attitude condemned by Jesus in the Pharisee of Luke 18:9-14.

However, a thoughtful notice of the work of the early disciples in teaching the lost shows that telling people they are going to hell, even if not in those very words, is not only in good taste in God's sight, it is also an essential ingredient in saving a man's soul.

The logical sense of this statement is seen in the fact that no man can see much reason to obey a gospel which is designed to save him unless he is first convinced he is lost!

The proof of the statement is seen in the many examples of teaching done by early disciples. For instance, on the day of Pentecost Peter preached the first gospel sermon of which we have record. Having first explained the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, and the fact it announced that "... whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved," Peter then began to tell them who the Lord is by introducing the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Acts 2:21-22. But just why did these men need such a Lord, Peter, one who is able to save? Because they had taken this very Lord, God's anointed, and by wicked hands had crucified and slain him. 2:23. In verse 36 Peter said again, "Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God bath made that same Jesus, WHOM YE CRUCIFIED, both Lord and Christ."

To be sure, this blunt accusation by Peter, and the stark realization it brought to these men that they were murderers of the Christ, and damned because of it, pierced them to the innermost depth of their hearts. To be sure, it "hurt their feelings!" But it is also the thing that made them cry out in desperation for pardon, "What shall we do?"

Christians need to be shaken loose from their present "public relations," "chamber of commerce" approach to teaching sinners the truth. Many brethren are practically saying to the sinner, "You ought to be baptized and become a member of 'our' church. It's one of the best in town, with one of the nicest buildings and some of the finest people. Why, you would fit in just real well down there. Oh, and don't forget, it's one of the fastest growing churches in the country." If anything ever was, this is the attitude of the Pharisee of Luke 18! It completely misses the whole point of God's plan, that the church is simply composed of souls who became convinced of their lost condition and who humbly obeyed the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved.

Brethren, go find someone who will listen to you and convince him he is going to hell. When he asks what to do about it tell him what the New Testament says he must do. This will save his soul.