Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 6, 1967

Three Resolutions

R. A. (Bob) West

Happy New Year!

Yes, it's that time of year again. But before we get all wrapped up with 1967, let's take a quick glance at 1966. In your particular case, how was it? What kind of life did you live? Do you think God was pleased? Of course we can't live that part over, but we can profit thereby.

We now have a completely new year ahead of us. What will we do with it? Whom will we serve in 1967? God or Satan? There is no middle ground. As we reflect upon the rewards inherent in service to the one and the consequences of the other, our decisions is made easy.

My decision has prompted three resolutions. I herewith share them to encourage you to adopt them as your own.

1. Resolved: To come to a more complete knowledge of God's will. Naturally, I cannot hope for an eternal home with God if I am not pleasing to him; I cannot be pleasing to him if I do not do his will; I cannot do his will if I do not know what it is. Therefore, I will faithfully attend all Bible classes and fervently study the Scriptures daily in order to learn his desires. I will approach the Bible with an open and honest mind and let it speak fully and freely on every subject. I will endeavor to study each passage in its proper setting, not willing to wrest the Scriptures lest I do so to my own destruction.

2. Resolved: To live in harmony with the will of God. I will be active in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Of course, before one can be active and fruitful, he must enter the Lord's vineyard, the church, by obedience to the gospel plan of salvation.) I will be more prayerful. I will attend all the assemblies (worship and Bible study) and give as I have been prospered. I will forsake all, even denying myself, to follow Jesus. And though I know that all who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution, I am resolved to not be ashamed, but to present my body a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God. I will work out my salvation with fear and trembling, being not conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of my mind by the good and perfect will of God (Phil. 2:12; Romans 12:1,2).

3. Resolved: To teach and persuade others to obey God's will. As I obtain knowledge of God's will I will teach others also. I am resolved to teach them in word and deed. With the sword of the Spirit as my weapon I will with the militance of Jesus expose religious error and moral wickedness. And yet I will seek to possess Christ's other qualities (e.g. love, joy, peace, faithfulness, meekness and self-control) to such a degree that I might lead those involved in sin and iniquity to repentance.

These three resolutions, if kept, will keep us busy serving and pleasing God. We will have no time for the devil. Let's determine now to keep all three in 1967 (and forever after).

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