Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
September 15, 1966
NUMBER 19, PAGE 9c-10a

We Are On The Road Up!

Jesse M. Kelley

In Altus, Oklahoma we have just recently concluded one of the most rewarding and satisfying experiences it has been this writer's pleasure to enjoy in almost thirty years of gospel preaching. I am referring of course to the 28-day gospel meeting the Southeast church conducted from June 6 through July 3. The small band of disciples were strengthened and encouraged immeasurably, and the new Southeast church was put on a firm and definite footing with an assured and wonderful future. It was truly an experience which would lighten the most discouraged of hearts. Let me tell you about it.

The meeting began, as advertised, on June 6 with Dudley Ross Spears doing the preaching. His lessons were simple and straight to the point. Our crowds averaged from 28 to 54 the first seven days during his stay. The last day of his part of the meeting four came to us from the liberals in the city, placing membership and asking the prayers of the saints in view of their having supported error. This increased our membership to fourteen. We had a number of visitors during this week and the enthusiasm was high; and despite adversity during the second week of the meeting the enthusiasm was to increase.

Yater Tant began his seven days of the meeting the following Monday evening. The crowd was zealous and numbered among the largest. Then on the following night after a very fine service, a 75-mile per hour wind storm tore the tent to shreds. Another one had to be secured. Consequently, before daybreak the following morning, we went to McAlester, Oklahoma and borrowed another tent, arriving back in Altus at 7:15 P.M. It was necessary to hold service in the meeting house that evening, but we had a good audience and a good service. Early the following morning several brethren met and erected the tent and the meeting continued. Brother Tant did his work in an excellent manner and all who attended enjoyed his preaching very much.

Then came the third week and Wright Randolph of Santa Barbara, California arrived for his part of the meeting. The audiences increased during this week, and one was baptized into Christ. He is already taking an active part in the services of the congregation and is a real asset to our work. He is a young man 28 years old and is zealous for the truth he has espoused. Brother Randolph's preaching was of the very best and we enjoyed and profited much from his splendid lessons.

Floyd Thompson of Santa Ana, California came for the last seven days of the meeting. He came in place of Roy Cogdill who had to undergo serious surgery the week following the meeting. Brother Thompson did an excellent job, and all of us enjoyed his work a great deal. Our attendance averaged less this fourth week of the meeting than at any other time. This was due entirely to the fact that people had begun to get tired and we did not have the visitors we formerly had. However on the last day of the meeting (July 3) the Southeast church set new attendance records in both Bible study and worship and our contribution was an all-time high. On this Sunday another placed membership with us who had been attending one of the liberal churches. This brought our membership to the present sixteen.

Throughout the meeting we carried a conversation type, informal study to our radio audience. It was well received, and we have received many and commendable comments about it since. The Red Bluff church in Pasadena, Texas is paying for this radio time, dealing directly with the radio station with a yearly contract. This is one of the most effective phases of our work in Altus.

This meeting has put the New Southeast church on the road up. All the members are working and zealous. We are looking to the future when we will become stronger both spiritually and numerically, all the while giving God the glory.

We use this means to thank those churches and individuals who have helped to make this a most successful effort in a sea of liberalism. Come by and pay us a visit when you are in this area.

-800 Denise, Altus, Oklahoma