Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
April 16, 1964

The Tiger Is Now Tail-Less

Marvine Kelley, Jr.

In October of this past year, the wild bull of Houston, the holy terror of the lone star state, the long tailed tiger came stomping into our fair city breathing out threatenings and slander and scorn on those who opposed his stand on the issues facing the church. He presented the O'Dowd version of the truth. It was the usual presentation of his insults, threats and idiotic foolishness without one verse to prop up his teaching.

He reminded the congregation here about 17 different times that no one in Houston, Texas, would meet his hypocritical foolishness and that Wilson Coon formerly of Phoenix, now of Grand Saline, refused to carry out his part of a discussion with him in Tennessee.

The debate is over; the smoke has cleared away and John the mighty has gone home tail-less. He signed to meet me in Houston, but the news from there is strangely silent.

I would be ashamed to call myself a Gospel preacher and then prove myself a dishonest person by refusing to carry out my end of an agreement. If any of you brethren in Houston ever have any trouble with him just remind him that Marvine Kelley is still waiting to expose his foolishness and I am sure he'll crawl back into his hole. It is evident that he knows he doesn't have the truth or he would not be afraid to have it tested.

— 176 B. Street, Brawley, California