Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
July 25, 1963

Just Thinking

Voyd N. Ballard

We hear a lot about "preach the Man not the plan." This is the plea of the liberals, which is about the only "plea" they have. They have long since ceased to plead for the Old Paths, and they have forgotten that the Lord has a plan. Such a plea reveals a complete ignorance of the Bible!

When Adam and Eve sinned against God in the Garden of Eden they brought sin into the world. God, in His goodness, planned to offer the human race salvation by Jesus Christ. This plan is described by Paul as the "dispensation of the grace of God" which remained a "mystery" until it was revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit. (Eph. 3:1,5) The plan is that all men (both Jew and Gentile) should be fellow-heirs, and of the same Body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel. (Eph. 3:6) This is God's plan; and it took the Man (Jesus Christ) to make this plan available to the human race. You cannot preach the man without preaching the plan.

I have heard brethren say that "the church is a part of God's plan." Brother, the church is not a part of God's plan; it is God's plan! God planned from the very beginning that all men could be reconciled unto him in the one Body. (Eph. 2:16) The Jews, the devil, the gates of hell, nor the liberals will ever get this plan changed.

"Preach Christ and him crucified, and not the church" is the plea of the liberal. It cannot be done. He was crucified for the church. (Eph. 5:25; Acts 20:28) Do you mean to tell us that you want us to preach Christ and not preach his death? Do you want us to preach Christ and not preach his shed blood? His blood was shed in his death, and his blood bought the church.

— 4133 Joan Avenue, Concord, California