Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 29, 1962

How Far Would You Walk

O. Fred Liggin, Jr.

"I'd walk a mile, cry or smile for my Mama and Daddy, all because I love them so." How many times have you heard this song and said, "Yes, so would I." We all have great love for our parents and this is good, provided we do not misplace that love. Yet I wonder how many people would still say, "Yes, so would I," if we changed the Mama and Daddy to God and Jesus Christ! Not nearly as many, I am sure, would answer in the affirmative. Now, this is my question; How far would you walk to hear Christ's word proclaimed? Not long ago we had a brother to ride 130 miles on a bicycle to attend a training, class. Incidentally, he is 70 years old. There were others who walked 30 to 40 miles to study. Yet today we know brethren who are not willing to walk three blocks to services. We all know the Bible says "Go preach." But yet not many are willing to go. Why: If asked, "Do you love the Lord?" one would say, "yes." But do you love Him enough? Jesus said in John 14:15, "If you love me, ye will keep my commandments." Now one of His commandments is to "Go into all the world." Many do not love the Lord enough to leave family and friends and come to a foreign land to preach and teach God's word. True many brethren have reasons for not being able to go, but there are many more who try to make reasons out of excuses. Which is your place, reason or excuses? Give yourself a test and see.

One might say, "Well, I know we are to go, but look at our own people who are without the gospel." Granted there are many Americans who know not God. In the days of the Apostles there were many in the land of Canaan who knew not God. Yet, did not brethren carry the news abroad? Yes. What are the possibilities of doing a good work in a country like Africa? I might answer this in one of many ways; but let me show some possibilities, some accomplishments and what lies ahead. First of all let me say that, "the field is white unto harvest, but the laborers are few." Nearly every week we receive many requests from people asking us to come teach them. I now have in my office a letter from some people on Lake Nyasa asking us to come preach. Another reports that we seem to have forgotten the brethren at Mlowe. This is the congregation on the Lake shore, which can only be reached by foot. We are able to drive to the mountains overlooking the Lake. Then we have a 5 hour walk down to Mlowe. Needless to say we have only been able to make two trips down there.

We have had one gospel meeting and have two others scheduled this month. There are 22 congregations in the Northern Province and only 6 African evangelists and myself. We have only one person who drives (me); thus the preachers must go by foot, bicycle, if they have one (which most do not); or by bus. They go with me in the car when I am able to carry them. Their salaries are very small so they cannot afford to ride the bus to all of the places where they are needed. Even though I try to go to a different congregation every week, it still takes 22 weeks to make the rounds.

The opportunities for spreading the gospel here are unlimited. There are no restrictions on public preaching and it is always easy to gather a crowd for hearing the Word. There is no restriction on passing out tracts and they are always well received. Through our preaching, and teaching through tracts, 242 persons have been baptized and 112 restored to the Faith this year. Many others are anxious to hear the truth. Would you like to come help in this work? God needs you here in Nyasaland and the Lord's church needs you. Please answer our call. — P. O. Rumpi, Nyasaland, Africa