Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity

A New Song Book

Harold F. Savely

Gospel Harmony Songs is the name of a newly printed song book. It is edited, published and for sale by my good friend and brother, J. B. Hatfield, 4713 Andalusia Lane, Valley Station, Kentucky. Price for the shaped note book is 75 for tag, and $1.50 for cloth.

Brother Hatfield has had years of experience in song leading, instruction, quartet work and writing of songs. With his experience, he has favored brethren by compiling together some of what he considers to be the best songs in 45 years of selecting. The book contains 344 of as beautiful songs as ever graced between two backs. They are singable, and include a variety of types and songs for every occasion. In addition to new songs, there are inclusions of older songs long out of circulation which will now seem new. Usual "filler" songs were eliminated to give way to more fully usable themes. Careful editing makes for its complete scripturalness.

There is a dearth of good singing in many places today. We need a return to old fashioned song instruction and practice, with an emphasis away from the stereotyped singing of the limited few "old reliable's" songs.

Brother Hatfield is to be commended for his great personal sacrifice as his crowning work in publishing Gospel Harmony Songs, which will greatly outlive him. May its popularity catch like wildfire. Churches are already ordering. Each song leader and lover of good songs will profit by ordering from him their sample copies today. Churches will do well to examine it before ordering new books.

— Dimmitt, Texas