Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
February 22, 1962
NUMBER 41, PAGE 8,13b

The Gospel Advocate Still Disturbed

Herbert E. Winkler

In my book "CONGREGATIONAL COOPERATION of the CHURCHES of CHRIST" which was published late in 1958 there appeared some quotations from Brother C. M. Pullias. The Westvue Messenger from the Westvue Church in Murfreesboro, Tenn., also made some of the same quotations. In the Gospel Advocate of July 2, 1959, there appeared the following statement purported to be written by Brother C. M. Pullias.

C. M. Pullias' Statement

(Editor's Note: We are happy to carry this correction by our venerable Brother Pullias. It will not only correct a false report; it will be a source of encouragement to many.)

"TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I am not opposed to the orphan homes and never have been. Reports to the contrary notwithstanding. The churches where I have lived and preached know this. While preaching at Westvue in Murfreesboro, I gathered much provision and help for the home in Springhill, Tennessee. The elders of that church know this. I have not changed, but I understand they have, and it is being reported that I now oppose orphan homes. Such is not true. Neither do I oppose our homes for the aged or the Herald of Truth. Sincerely, C. M. Pullias. (Dated June 3, 1959)

In the second printing of my book, this year, I printed the above statement and then gave an article on COMBINES IN THE CHURCH written by Brother C M. Pullias in 1919. The Westvue Messenger is also giving further notice to these things written by Brother Pullias.

The Gospel Advocate forces, smarting under the continual references to the writings of this veteran, have come out with another denial that Brother C. M. Pullias EVER opposed the institutional orphan home with church support. This article was written under the caption: "Keeping the Record Straight" on the second page of the Gospel Advocate of August 24, 1961, and bore the ear marks of an Editorial. It covers nearly two pages and the name C. M. Pullias appears in the third line and fifteen or sixteen times in the article. The article closes with another statement purported to have been written by Brother C. M. Pullias and is headed "BROTHER PULLIAS' STATEMENT," in which he gives in substance what you read above in his statement of 1959. Here is one statement he made:

"I have never opposed the orphan homes. I have criticized them, but I was never against the home. Furthermore, my criticism of the orphan home was not of the same type presently being offered by the "anti" groups."

In the current printing of my book I made a full quote of an Editorial in the "TIDINGS OF JOY," put out by Brother C. E. W. Dorris, July 2, 1919. This Editorial was written by C. M. Pullias under the caption: "COMBINES IN THE CHURCH." The article is too long to give in full here. Every one should have a copy of my book and read the full article from Brother Pullias. Although, I will give you a few quotes from the article:

No. 1. "For an instance, one would yoke a number of local congregations together to do a given work. This destroys the congregational independence and sets up the very thing God sought to avoid in arranging nothing larger than the local congregation through which to work and worship."

This is the very thing to which we ("antis") have been calling attention. This destroys the autonomy of the local congregation. If some of our past practices have been of that nature, it did not make it right. And when the error was clear to us, we ceased the practice and condemned it.

Quote No. II. "An individual is responsible as far as he is able, so also is a congregation; BUT NO FARTHER." (Caps mine)

This is what I contended for in my book. When you press the individual, the mule, the machine, or the congregation beyond the ability, something goes wrong.

God has never, by any statement, example or necessary inference, showed any body or a congregation to be in any sense responsible beyond the ability. And if the brethren everywhere would leave the churches alone to do according to their ability and cease tying them up with some combine, which they choose to call a cooperative, much of the schism in the body would be healed.

Quote No. III. "The main principle violated by the missionary society is the combining of all the congregations to do what God has assigned to one."

Now, this is exactly what Brother Pullias' "anti' groups" have been and are now contending for.

Quote No. IV. "Besides this, we might say this way of a few getting together and SADDLING ON THE CHURCH OF CHRIST ORPHAN HOMES and SCHOOLS or ANYTHING ELSE is a very serious thing, and will in the course of time prove to be a curse to the church. An INDIVIDUAL Christian or CONGREGATION might have a school or orphanage if it is able and so chooses, but to HAVE ONE FOR THE CHURCH AT LARGE IS TO BIND WHAT GOD HAS NOT BOUND, so whatever befalls one befalls every one. ALL SUCH COMBINES ARE WRONG and in them the MAN OF SIN IS WORKING, just as in Paul's day, and in the course of time he will be revealed to the sorrow of the church." (2 Thess. 2:3-10)

NOW, THERE YOU HAVE IT! And regardless of what Brother Pullias says now and what ever may be his present position on the orphan home the above quotation shows that he DID oppose these very institutions back in 1919. Here it is spelled out in so many words. Read it again: "AN INDIVIDUAL Christian or CONGREGATION might have a school or orphanage if it is able and so chooses, but to HAVE ONE FOR THE CHURCH AT LARGE IS TO BIND WHAT GOD HAS NOT BOUND,....ALL SUCH COMBINES ARE WRONG and in them the MAN OF SIN IS WORKING." Now, who among us "antis" has ever breathed out a more scathing anathema or denunciation of the Church Supported Institutional Orphan Homes than did Brother C. M. Pullias?

But that is not all the curse Brother Pullias pronounced upon the puny efforts of man to enhance the value, worth efficiency and glory of the Church of Jesus Christ, Hear him again:

Quote No. V: "A brotherhood PAPER, or SCHOOL or ORPHANGE, or a brotherhood ANYTHING ELSE will prove itself to be a DICTATOR and USURPER of the Church of Christ, and an OCTOPUS that grips the interest and life out of the church."

This prophecy has borne all the ugly fruits predicted by Brother Pullias.

The Gospel Advocate forces are trying to kill the influence of this article Brother Pullias wrote forty-two years ago when he lashed out against man's ways.

A cause is desperately in need of even a lame leg upon which to stand when its devotees will maneuver, or wrench, a statement from a person which makes him contradict what he has said or written in the past.

Not one of us "antis" has ever more scathingly denounced church support of the institutional orphan homes than this article by Brother Pullias. Being absolutely unable to find Scripture which will either support their position or condemn ours, they have resorted to calling us "antis", ridiculing and even attempts at intimidation. But we stubbornly refuse to be intimidated!

Brother Pullias' "Combines in the Church" is more extensively discussed in the second printing of my book, "Congregational Cooperation of the Churches of Christ." They are being bought and given out by many brethren and churches all over the Union. I am mailing them out in quantities of five or more at cost; fifty cents each. Send an order and have a part in combating the false teaching which is destroying the churches. The whole article by C. M. Pullias is worth more than the fifty cents. No, brethren, the Gospel Advocate has not stolen the show yet. Facts are facts. And this Editorial Brother Pullias wrote in 1919 is a FACTUAL statement that he was then opposed to the institutional orphan homes as we have them now and some of which then existed.

Will the Advocate dare to print the C. M. Pullias Editorial?