Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
September 8, 1960

"Christian Schools"

Pryde E. Hinton, Dora, Ala.

I was told years ago that so-called Christian schools are private enterprises, strictly not attached to the churches any more than any other private enterprise run by a brother, or brethren. But more than 20 years ago I saw that they were being called "our schools." And in the minds of a majority of the Christians they were "church schools," owned and operated by the churches of Christ. I protested then, but had as well attempted to stop a tornado by blowing my breath against it.

Why don't we begin calling these schools what they are — ALL OF THEM? They are secular schools. Their curriculum is composed of secular subjects, by an overwhelmingly large majority. The Bible is only ONE subject among many strictly secular subjects.

I predict that within five years most of the supporters and officials of such secular schools will be affirming the first proposition of the Indianapolis Debate (but not in public discussions). And the great dull, unthinking, world-minded, idolatrous mass of church members will follow and applaud. And they'll never know until they stand before the Throne that they were led by the blind!