Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
June 12, 1958

A Correction

Forrest Darrell Moyer

In my article, "Why Don't They Understand?" which appeared in the May 22 issue of this paper, there was a sentence left out of the second division which caused this part to be misleading. It should have read as follows:

2. "You don't believe in helping the needy." Again, I say, "Why don't they understand" that we do not oppose helping the needy? We oppose human organizations' doing the work for the churches, and we oppose churches' donating to human institutions. But never have we opposed the care of needy saints or orphan children. The brethren here have given at least $300 to needy saints this year. These facts speak for themselves. We believe in fulfilling every requirement of the Lord. Yet people say, Tucumcari is an 'anti' congregation." "Why don't they understand?"