Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
May 22, 1958

A Poem And Its Sequel

Paul Brock

The following poem appeared in December issue of The Home Journal.

Little Orphan, do you know that you are in the way?

The work of the church, so important must go on day by day.

You are here, you are there my plans you spoil

My work so important, you continue to foil.

Take care not to bother, you are in the way,

I have no time for homeless children today.

My sequel dedicated to the author and all who are so warped in conception of issues involved.

Little Orphan, do you know that you are in the way?

This church is benevolent, we'll send you off today.

Our work of benevolence the church CAN'T do, Yes, we know (even with Woods) this doctrine is new.

For children homeless, we have not time, We'll send to the institution from each member (per month) a dime.

With this we split the church trying to prove God pleased,

And our weak consciences are surely relieved.