Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity

To "Older Preachers"

Ralph C. Smart Sr., Dexter, Maine

Somewhere you have become acquainted with some young men just starting as Preachers. To you the relationship has been very unimportant and soon forgotten. However because of the respect and admiration that these young men feel towards you it seems a much closer relationship to them.

Then comes the time when they have a problem a little beyond their depth and they remember you and say, "Brother So and So will advise me."

True that they are presumptuous, True that you are very busy. True that you have more important problems than they do. But take time to answer their letters. Correct them if they are in error, Rebuke them if they need it. But do not let them wait for counsel that does not come.

Remember that one day these young men will be the "Older Preachers". Their attitude toward younger men then may well depend on your attitude now.