Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
December 11, 1958

Are You Hurt By The Truth?

Otis H. Moyer, Bellflower, California

"The truth does not hurt unless it is supposed to." I do not know the author of this statement concerning truth, but I do know it is a wise declaration. As long as a person is right, he is never hurt by the truth. Did you ever hear of any man being "hurt" (offended) because he was called a Christian?

Some denominationalists become highly offended if the preacher happens to refer to the name of their denomination as he presents his lesson. But if they wear that name, why should they be offended by a reference to it?

In discussing truth and error, it is frequently necessary to compare or contrast the two. Religious error is that which is taught which is contrary to the word of God. The Bible says Jesus was born of a virgin. One particular religious group says Jesus was NOT born of a virgin. The error is apparent. And the truth hurts only those who follow after the error. The Bible teaches baptism to be a burial. This "burial" is possible only when people are immersed. Are you hurt by the truth?

A preacher may declare that there is not a single denomination mentioned in the Bible. It would he a simple matter to prove him wrong — just produce the book, chapter, and verse, that mentions one. Is not this better than getting "hurt" by what he says?

The same thing may be said of present day problems facing the church. The Bible teaches that the local congregation was and is all sufficient to do the work God ordained it to do. And at no time did it turn over to human institutions that which God appointed for it to do. But when this simple and obvious truth is pointed out, and we ask for the chapter and verse to authorize the human institution for church work, and the "sponsoring church" arrangement, some brethren get angry, swell up, pout, and refuse to discuss the question further. Are you hurt by the truth on this question? Don't you think it would be better to be right, and hear the truth without being hurt, than to be wrong, and be offended because of hearing the truth?