Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity

Self Condemned

Frank Reeder, Abilene, Texas

Below I give statements from Foster L. Ramsey. One is from his report of the mob actions (he was a member of the mob) at Paragould; the other is from an article entitled "Autonomy of the Church."

"On Thursday morning, over the protests of many of the Guardian preachers and two of the Elders, Sterl Watson took charge of the meeting having been authorized to do so by one of the Elders of the Second and Walnut church. The first speaker was W. L. Totty, of Indianapolis, who spoke for thirty minutes." F. F. March 5, 1957, page 156.

"He who is submissive to God's plan, will recognize and respect God's elders, whether he is a member of the congregation over which they serve or not. Neither will he use any medium or agency in an effort to sow discord, or to cause the members of that congregation to go contrary to the decisions of the elders. Should any person do such a thing, he would very plainly reveal himself to be rebellious; not to the elders alone, but to God and the plan revealed in His word." Christian Children's Home Journal, June 1958, page 2.

If the "medium" is trash from Nashville or Fort Worth and is placed in the vestibule to cause members to hate some, or all, the elders it is wrong.

In the same issue of the Home Journal is the poem "Little Orphan." I give it just as they gave it except I add two stanzas.

Little Orphan, do you know that you are in the way?

The work of the church, so important must go on day by day.

You are here, you are there, my plans you spoil

My work so important, you continue to foil.

Take care not to bother, you are in the way,

I have no time for homeless children today.

I'll send you to an institution away

And there in that home I really hope you stay.