"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of truth." — (Psalm 60:4)
"Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them." — (Isaiah 13:2)
Devoted To The Defense Of The Church Against All Errors And Innovations
Vol.VI No.XIII Pg.35-36
July/August 1944

Repercussions From The Smear Campaign

The underhanded and underground assistance that some of these brethren, whose ailment every informed member of the church already knew, was received by loyal Christians in various part of the land with utter disgust. We received many, many letters, extracts from which would fill up one issue of the Bible Banner. We submit a few such expressions below for a sample.

C. R. Nichol received a letter from a friend of his containing the following expressions

"Norris is threatening to tell why Wallace left Nashville, Tennessee, in the night.' He has recently had a conversation with my good friend G. C. Brewer."'

It will be remembered that this "good friend" of Norris' held a month's meeting in the Norris tabernacle in Fort Worth, and referred constantly to "Dr. Norris this and Dr. Norris that." During the meeting there was one addition and she came forward to join the Baptist church!

But the letter continues, and incidentally reveals the reason for the enmity that caused these brethren to give Norris his "secret weapon" of so-called "inside information on Wallace."

"Didn't Foy spank H. C. The best job ever since he spanked GCB for his ACC effusion, or eruption, last February."

It does not take even a very good memory to connect up with the event to which the above paragraph refers. Then to offer me a word of encouragement, if perchance such as that would dishearten me too much, the letter relayed the following word to me personally:

"I am serenely confident that they are throwing boomerangs. You have Norris correctly diagnosed. Anything he does now about the debate will be generally recognized as garbled, and will spoil it. I am enjoying their discomfiture. You have done nothing under cover and have concealed nothing. Norris cannot learn much from Brewer that everybody else has not already learned from you a good while ago. You had already put it in the paper before Brewer, Collins and Hall, had a chance to talk about it. It will work out all right. Just say the right thing, at the right time. And keep cool.

Such a warmth of feeling and sensible advice were sweet morsels among many bitter pills, and I appreciated them.

The following reactions from Brother C. M. Pullias, then of Dallas, Texas, came to me in another letter, from a friend of Brother Pullias.

"I have a letter from Pullias saying that he heard Frank Norris tell over the radio that he had the 'lowdown on Wallace,' knew why you 'had to resign as editor of the Advocate and also had to resign in California.' He says that he got the information 'from his own church of Christ brethren.' He mentioned Brewer, of Memphis and 'others of Nashville,' whose names he did not call. I think he went over into Tennessee for his "information." I have an idea that he did not interview McQuiddy.

Pullias is disgusted with the whole outfit of traitors. I interpret Norris' eruptions and insults as a good sign. He is such a liar most people do not believe him when he is telling the truth."'

It was at this point that Cled E. Wallace, who had been a silent observer, thought that it was time for a few things to be said in the direction of Tennessee. The following letter to Leon B. McQuiddy was sent in the spirit, sentiment and style of its writer:

Dear McQuiddy:

Pardon the abruptness. I'm in an abrupt humor. You know how I feel toward you, Foy and the Advocate. My immediate humor has a large content of disgust and contempt which I feel certain you will share when you read this letter I have just received and which I am taking the liberty to pass on to you.

I'm not scared but do not deny being as mad as I ever get. A personal fight on Foy by Frank Norris, abetted and aided by G. C. Brewer, the Boll crowd and sympathizers

will rally around Foy a coterie of powerful defenders. He won't lose the fight. Foy's influence has not waned among powerful men throughout the West who know of his misfortunes and have confidence in his integrity. The reaction of Pullias is typical. When the Jews couldn't meet Christ in debate, they killed him. The Judaizers and their sympathizers cannot meet Foy in debate and they would like to kill him but the chances are they won't. If the torch ever falls from his hands there will be plenty of us left who will see to it that it will never hit the ground. Frank Norris killed one man with a pistol and now he is thrusting a dagger at Foy handed him by men closely connected with the Advocate. Such double-crossing treachery is revolting to me and plenty of others. My judgment is that it will definitely KO these men in the affection and confidence of a host of loyal supporters of the Gospel Advocate.

Foy is in receipt of a nasty letter from Norris threatening him with the weapon handed him out of Memphis. With characteristic boldness he has accepted the challenge. He won't have to fight alone.

You know as well as I do the motives behind this attempt at character assassination. They won't get by with it even if they smile and smile and smile and talk about peace and brotherly love, while they act like the very devil under cover.

You can understand why I feel so deeply in the matter. I have the utmost confidence in you and your fairness and think you ought to know this--from me.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Cled E. Wallace